2017-12-03 13:13:37
   Perhaps many lay people do not know what the air conditioning fault code is, so let alone know. In fact, air-conditioning fault code is nothing more than the air-conditioning failure of some code, if you understand these, if the home air-conditioning is broken, then you can know at a glance where the problem lies and how to fix it. So, how about the modern air conditioner? In order to better use of modern air-conditioning, we need to understand some fault code to see Xiaobian introduction below.





  1, when it comes to modern air conditioners, modern air conditioners are now produced in many countries all over the world, including China, the United States, Britain, France, Japan, Italy and other countries, providing superior air conditioning production, production and service Environment and energy bundled HVAC program to provide customers with higher building energy efficiency. The application of modern air conditioning successfully solved the building temperature control difficult problem. It covers a wide range of modern air-conditioning products, it is widely used in small home and large commercial buildings, to provide a variety of environments for the needs of two customized.

2, YHJH-90A / V2GE belong to the GE series of products, its price is 2930 yuan. This series of air-conditioning products in operation during its rotation inside the blade when it can and the axis of rotation in a certain degree of perspective, this setting allows the air conditioning in operation to make the pressure smaller, the low air-conditioning Internal air flow resonance, it can also reduce the noise generated in the air conditioning operation, but also can improve the air conditioning air supply rate, air conditioning a wide range of air supply.



  3、YHFC-90B/N2AC 的价格是1822元,这一型号的现代空调属于AC系列产品,不同系列的现代空调它们之间的特点是不同的,AC系列的现代空调主要的特点就是它的大内机设置和超大换热器的应用。大内机设置和超大换热器在空调运行时能够实现大功率的送风,同时空调的制冷和制热效率更加强劲和高效。在现代空调的零部件配置中,它内提供出为节能和环保的工作环境。




  E1 低压报警冷媒不足

  E2 房间温度感温头报警

  E3 压缩机报警输入若一上电就报警检查过压保护及连接线是否完好,同时检查相序板,相序是否接错

  E4 室外盘管管温头报警

  E5 室内盘管管温头报警

  E6 通讯错误

  E7 室外环境温度探头报警

